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The Clerc's of Wilton


Updated: Jun 14, 2023

On May 19, 2023 there was an exhibit held at the Wilton Historical Society (WHS). Laurent Clerc's great grandson, Francis Clerc Ogden. Turns out that Francis, named after Laurent's eldest son lived most of his life in Wilton, CT. He was a founder of the WHS, poet, voter register and newspaper contributor. He even left lots of cash to the town to create it first senior housing project. Nick Foster, Director of WHS, put together this exhibit as part of our celebration of Francis's collection of Laurent Clerc family papers, the first batch going to Yale University and the second recently going to the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, CT.

This exhibit will run through October 2023. Also, we will have a program at the Wilton Library on Decembe6, 2023 to bring the "Wilton Clerc Papers" out to the world. Hope to see you there.

Here are some photos of the exhibit and a transcript of video tour by Laurent Clerc Holt, 4x great grandson of Laurent Clerc.

Hello Everyone,

This is Laurent Clerc Holt and I am at the Wilton Historical Society for the opening of the exhibit on Francis Clerc Ogden, Laurent Clerc’s great grandson, and his connection to Laurent Clerc

And these are the boards, I will get you a shot here so hopefully you can read them

from the Wilton Historical Society. Here are the ones that may be familiar to you which were done by Jean Linderman at the American School for the Deaf. And these are boards that connect Laurent Clerc to Wilton Connecticut. That is Flat Laurent. Here is the board on the Peale Paintings which of course are at the Wadsworth Atheneum. Mr. Francis Clerc Ogden lives in Wilton all of his life and donated the Yale Papers, that are Clerc papers and documents. And also gave the documents that are now at the American School for the Deaf, from Wilton to ASD. He was a Clerc enthusiast. And this was the story of how the papers ended up here. This is the Ogden home. And he was one of the first members of the Wilton Historical Society, here in Wilton. A contributor of many of the Indian artifacts. And last but no least, are the first meeting notes of the Wilton Historical Society which happened at Francis Clerc Ogden’s home. So this is the exhibit that opened tonight (May 19, 2023) which will be here through October I believe and so if you are near Wilton Connecticut, head by the Wilton Historical Society and see the exhibit. Take care! Laurent

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