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Ohio State of Mind


I spent some time in Ohio. (For those of you not on this continent)

That would be 8 years in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was from around 1960 to 1968 when I moved to Chicago. I loved it. Recently visited it for a few hours on my way to Missouri to collect the Clerc Papers that resided there. Had a chance to drop by Skyline Chili

but it was of course closed. Also went by my old school and house. And got the view for Mt. Storm Park. Then back on the highway. But enough reminiscing.

This last week I got to participate in the 4th Annual Deaf Themed Art Show.

It was put on by Dawn at Ohio Deaf Friends of the Library. I met Dawn several years ago when I inquired about their annual show when I was looking for ways to engage people about learning more about Laurent Clerc.

This was the first time we were able to do something together, a ZOOM presentation about Laurent. Clerc for a small group of contestants and their families who were at the Columbus Museum of Art, the venue for this year. It seemed to go well and Dawn is always gracious.

It was a great day of art from what I saw safe squirrelled away in my home when these courageous artists were vying for top honours. This video seems to explain it all.

Being a Clercophile I suggested that the artists create Laurent Clerc themed art work. And by golly if Eden did not just do that. Also, we were able to add Eden's work to our Virtual Laurent Clerc Art Gallery.

Reminds me of the incredible work that volunteers like Dawn do every day. I hope that we will have some more years of collaboration on our projects together.



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