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Museum Resources

Deaf Museum are an important part of preserving Deaf Heritage and educating new generations about Deaf History.

History & Cogswell Heritage House

ASD’s founders were well aware of the groundbreaking importance of their

new endeavor, and they and their successors saved a great many letters, teaching

aids, illustrations, books, and other objects. These items remained in the school’s

possession and now form a rich collection that has become a credible base for

research among graduates, historians, genealogists, authors, editors, and scholars.

The school’s first museum was organized in the Historical Room of the Gallaudet

Building in 1967, and expanded in 1977. When renovations to the Gallaudet Building

were planned in 2008, the archives were relocated to the former Principal’s House on campus. Since that time, ASD’s archival inventory has been significantly enriched by generous donations from friends and alumni. Collaboration with other historical societies, research, and new discoveries have also broadened the school’s collection. 


This carefully organized collection includes the histories of deaf education, religion, Hartford, and the United States. It also links ASD’s heritage and regional impact with its contributions to the Deaf Community as a whole.

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Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

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The Wilton Library: History Room

In 2021, while visiting the history room to research a Laurent Clerc relative we

discovered a treasure trove of original Laurent Clerc family documents. In

conjunction with, Julie, the library historian and the Wilton Historical Society

these documents were reunited with others at the History and Cogswell Heritage

House at the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, CT.

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The Wilton Historical Society

In 2021 the Wilton Historical Society, home of Francis Clerc Ogden, helped arranged to permanently loan the their Laurent Clerc family papers to the History and Cogswell Heritage House at the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, CT. Their director, Nick, established a collaborative relationship with the ASD museum to develop future historical works based on the material.

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